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Week 27
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Game of the Week
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Game of the Week
Four Corners
This week Playworks is featuring a fun, adaptable game that is great to play virtually, at home with your family, during indoor recess, or on the playground!
Goal: Stay in the game by moving to a corner that isn’t called.
Goal: Stay in the game by moving to a corner that isn’t called.
Skill Focus
Positive Language
Using words that are kind, supportive, and encouraging.
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People to play:
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Best for ages:
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Setup time:
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Play In-Person
Write your awesome label here.
Play Virtually
Write your awesome label here.
How to Play
Before You Start: Find an area with 4 corners or spaces (e.g. a room, a rug, a table).
Before You Start: Designate numbers to 4 corners or spaces in your playing area.
Before You Start: Have players split equally among the four designated corners.
Before You Start: Do a practice round with the leader in the middle.
Review the four designated corners or spaces in the playing area with all students. Have them repeat which number each corner is, numbering them one through four.
Assign a player to be the leader and have them stand in the middle of the playing area.
Once all players are spread out among the four corners, have the leader close their eyes and start counting to 10 slowly. Be sure the leader is being loud enough for all players to hear them!
While the leader is counting, all of the players are moving around quietly to a different corner.
Once the leader gets to 10, all of the players must be at a corner and they stop moving.
The leader will then point to a corner and say the corner number out loud. The leader can only open their eyes after they have selected a corner.
All of the students standing in the corner that the leader selected must do an action, like 10 jumping jacks. If no players are in the corner that the leader selects, the leader begins a new round.
The leader will count again, and repeat the previous steps.
The leader chooses another person to be the leader for the next round!
Game Debrief
How does sharing appreciations about classmates help us build a stronger community?
How does it feel to hear positive language throughout the game, even when you were unsuccessful?
Academic Application:Choose a topic related to a unit you’re teaching, and pick 4 items from that lesson, assigning a corner to each of those items. Example: four different elements from the periodic table, the four cardinal directions, or the words for four colors in different languages
Another Way to Play:
Reverse roles! Have the entire class count together while one person sneaks. Then, with eyes still closed, everyone points to the corner they believe the person is in. If correct, the seated player gets a point. -
Another Way to Play:
Designate “corners” in a different way.1. Use objects (colored paper, cones, stuffed animals) to provide students a visual reminder of each area.2. Assign corners animal names (use pictures to remind students) and ask the caller to choose a corner by making that animal sound.
Brain Break of the Week
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Brain Break of the Week
Bob the Bunny
This week, Playworks is featuring a Brain Break called Bob the Bunny. Save the free poster to refer to when you need it!
Free Resources
Get the Poster
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How to Play
Before You Start: Gather your group in a circle. Have everyone place their hands behind their backs.
Before You Start: Choose one person to be in the middle of the circle.
The person in the middle of the circle tries to guess who on the outside of the circle is holding the bunny.
To begin, the person in the middle of the circle will close their eyes while the group begins chanting in rhythm “Bob the Bunny, Bob, Bob, the Bunny!”
As you are chanting, start passing the bunny around the circle, keeping the bunny behind you.
When the leader calls out “Freeze!”, the person in the middle is allowed to open their eyes. They will then get three guesses to try to figure out who is holding the bunny.
If the person in the middle guesses correctly, they change places with the person that was caught holding the bunny.
If the person in the middle does not guess correctly within 3 tries, they become a part of the circle and a new person is chosen to go in the middle.
Announcement of the Week
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Announcement of the Week
Email Template
Use the template below as you communicate with your team about the Game of the Week, Four Corners, and how it contributes to building positive language skills.
Free Resources
How to Use it
Simply copy & paste the text below into your email.
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For the month of April we are continuing to focus on the theme of relationship skills. Relationship skills help you navigate the complexity of relating to and building connections with others.
Using positive language is our focus this week. By using words that are kind, supportive, and encouraging we can improve communication and de-escalate conflicts. Playing a game like Four Corners can provide many opportunities to practice using positive language, both in celebrating successes, and motivating ourselves and others after setbacks. Using positive language may not always be easy, and that is okay, keep at it.Teach students to play in class, and then empower them to lead the game and teach others.
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Write your awesome label here.
Games Library:
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Accepting Help
Accurate Self Perception
Active Listening
Building Community
Conflict Resolution
Growth Mindset
Identifying Characteristics
Identifying Emotions
Impulse Control
Perspective Taking
Physical Self Awareness
Playing Fair
Positive Language
Relationship Skills
Self Awareness
Self Confidence
Self Management
Self Motivation
Social Awareness
Social Engagement
Stress Management
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Baseball Bat
Bouncy Ball
Hula Hoop
Jump Rope
Soccer Ball
Tennis Ball
Volleyball Net
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Autonomous/Self-Access Game
Ball Game
Cooperative Game
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Icebreaker Game
Indoor Game
Readiness Game
Recess Game
Rotational Game
Tag Game
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