Keep Playing!
Week 29
Game of the Week
Birds Nest
Goal: To work collaboratively with teammates and assist them in achieving a common goal.
Play In-Person
Play Virtually
How to Play
Before You Start: Review appropriate movement and boundaries.
Before You Start: Arrange hula hoops (birds nests) in a triangle. Place bean bags into the center hula hoop (nest).
Before You Start: Divide students into even teams and have them line up behind their birds’ nest (hula hoop).
The goal is for teams to get all eggs into their team’s nest as quickly as possible.
When told to start, the first player from each team runs to the center nest to take an egg (one egg per player).
The player returns to their line with the egg, drops the egg in their team’s nest, and moves to the end of the line.
When the player ahead returns with the egg, the next player in line runs to the center nest to get another egg.
Players keep taking turns until the center nest is empty; when this happens, players may then take eggs from the other teams’ nests (one player and one egg at a time).
The game ends when one team has all of the eggs in their nest.
Game Debrief
In what ways did you help a teammate in this game?
How did you work with your teammates to achieve your goal?
Were your teammates supportive when it was your turn? How did it feel?
How did it feel to know you had help / support from your teammates and other classmates?
Academic Application:
Turn it into a memory game! Instead of bean bags, mix up 3-6 playing cards of each suit and place them face down inside the nest. Assign each team a suit (hearts, diamonds, spades or clubs).
At the start signal, the first player on each team heads to the nest and turns over one card. If it is their suit, they bring it back to their nest, if it is not, they turn it back over and return to their nest without it. The game ends when one team has successfully collected all of their cards.Encourage team members to help each other remember which cards have been turned over and which have not. -
Another Way to Play:
Assign each team a specific color of bean bag or type of object (eggs). Instead of placing all eggs in the center hula hoop (nest) to start, mix them up and place them in the outer hula hoops (nests).
To play, each team must try to get all of their own color or type of object into the nest, one player and one egg at a time.
Players may go to any nest and either bring one of their own eggs to their nest OR may take one of another team’s eggs out of the center nest and bring it to their own nest.
The game ends when one team has all of their cookies in their nest. -
Age Group Modifications:
For younger students: Choose a number of bean bags that must make it in the birds nest for the game to end (instead of all) and turn the game into a race.
For older students: Switch up the type of movement students use to get to and from the birds nest. Ex – walk heel-to-toe, crab walk, move backwards, etc.
Brain Break of the Week
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How to Play
Before You Start: Divide class into 2 teams.
Before You Start: Choose one person from each team to meet together and create a secret message.
At the signal, the first person on each team will whisper the secret message to the next person on their team.
That person will whisper the message to the next person and so on.
The message can not be repeated a second time. This is a relay-type game, so players will just pass on what they’ve heard.
The last person to receive the secret message must run to the chalkboard and write the message. The team that is closest to the correct message gets a point.
Choose new players to create the next secret message, and play again!
Announcement of the Week
Email Template
How to Use it
For the month of April, we are continuing to focus on the theme of relationship skills. Relationship skills help you build connections with others and find ways to relate to one another.
This week’s focus is cooperation. Cooperation is when two or more people work together to complete a goal. For cooperation to work, everyone involved needs to participate. Sometimes this can feel difficult, so it is a good idea to find fun ways to practice. One way to exercise your cooperation skills is to play our featured game of the week, Birds Nest, where you have to work with a team to collect all of your eggs.
Teach students to play in class, and then empower them to lead the game and teach others.
Quick Tips
Looking to build skills? We've got you covered.
Accepting Help
Accurate Self Perception
Active Listening
Building Community
Conflict Resolution
Growth Mindset
Identifying Characteristics
Identifying Emotions
Impulse Control
Perspective Taking
Physical Self Awareness
Playing Fair
Positive Language
Relationship Skills
Self Awareness
Self Confidence
Self Management
Self Motivation
Social Awareness
Social Engagement
Stress Management
Limited on equipment? No problem!
Baseball Bat
Bouncy Ball
Hula Hoop
Jump Rope
Soccer Ball
Tennis Ball
Volleyball Net
No Equipment Required
Want to find a specific type of game?
Autonomous/Self-Access Game
Ball Game
Cooperative Game
Core Game
Icebreaker Game
Indoor Game
Readiness Game
Recess Game
Rotational Game
Tag Game