Keep Playing!
Week 32
Game of the Week
Let's Go Fishing
Goal: To work together to find a solution.
Analyzing Solutions
Play In-Person
Play Virtually
How to Play
Before You Start: Create a clearly marked starting line, using cones, tape, or whatever else is available.
Before You Start: Choose a leader for the first game.
Before You Start: Place bean bag (or a small passable object) that is the “fish” on the ground in front of the leader.
The object of the game is for all players to work together to carry the “fish” back to the starting line without the leader guessing who is holding it.
Players may move while the leader is saying the phrase.
When the leader finishes the phrase, they turn around to face the group and all the players freeze. If anyone is still moving when the leader turns around, the whole group must go back to the starting line.
OPTIONAL: Have the team discuss their strategy and improve it. -
If no players are caught moving, the leader turns around again and repeats the phrase “Let’s go, Let’s go, Let’s go Fishing!” and the players can continue moving closer.
Once players have gotten close enough to pick up the fish, they must work together to transport it back to the starting line without the leader seeing the fish or catching someone moving.
As players work to get the fish back to the starting line the leader is allowed 2 guesses to try and find out which player is holding the fish each time they turn around.
If the leader guesses correctly, the players return the fish and start over at the starting line.
OPTIONAL: Have the team discuss their strategy and improve it. -
If the leader guesses incorrectly, they turn around, say the phrase again, and the players keep moving and passing the fish toward the starting line.
This play rotation continues until either the player holding the “fish” is identified, or the group gets back to the starting line successfully and a new round begins
Game Debrief
What strategy did your team use to decide which players would hold the fish?
Did your team try any strategies that didn’t work?
How can you work together to decide which idea to use when the group has multiple ideas on how to solve a problem?
Age Group Modifications:
For younger students: Teach the game to students in layers, beginning with the first goal of everyone successfully getting to the finish line. Have students use a visual marker to show where their designated starting line is.
For older students: Add new levels to the game such as all players have to touch the fish before it can cross the starting line, or an exercise (such as jumping jacks) that players must do before moving forward. -
Another Way to Play
After each try, have the team discuss their strategy and improve it.Adjust how the players move: skipping, hopping, heel-to-toe (to increase complexity).Increase the distance between the starting and finish line. -
Academic ApplicationChange the phrase the leader says to incorporate vocabulary and spelling words, or make it apply to any subject that students are currently learning.
Brain Break of the Week
Charades with a Twist
Get the Poster
How to Play
Write a few objects or phrases down on slips of paper.
One student will begin by choosing a slip of paper and secretly showing it to the leader.
The student will act or mime the word or phrase for the entire class to guess. The first person who guesses the word or phrase correctly is the next student to act or mime.
Examples of phrases:Somebody shooting a basketballSomeone driving a race carA person jumping rope
Announcement of the Week
Email Template
How to Use it
For the month of May we are focusing on the theme of responsible decision making. Responsible decision making means understanding all aspects of a decision and its consequences before making a choice.
This week, we will move on to the second step of responsible decision making by practicing our ability to analyze solutions. Analyzing solutions means looking at different ways to solve a problem and beginning to consider the outcomes of each. In our game of the week, Let’s Go Fishing, students will work together to come up with many possible solutions to a challenge they are faced with. It can be helpful to develop lots of potential solutions prior to choosing one. When was the last time you considered multiple solutions before making a choice?
Teach students to play in class, and then empower them to lead the game and teach others!
Quick Tips
Limited on equipment? No problem!
Baseball Bat
Bouncy Ball
Hula Hoop
Jump Rope
Soccer Ball
Tennis Ball
Volleyball Net
No Equipment Required
Want to find a specific type of game?
Autonomous/Self-Access Game
Ball Game
Cooperative Game
Icebreaker Game
Indoor Game
Readiness Game
Recess Game
Rotational Game
Tag Game